Learning curve: Programming can have a steep learning curve, especially if you have no prior technical background.
Time commitment: Learning programming requires consistent effort and time commitment, which can be challenging with existing responsibilities.
Technological changes: The technology landscape evolves rapidly, requiring ongoing learning to stay current.
Age bias: Some employers may prefer younger candidates or those with more traditional educational backgrounds.
Career transition challenges: Switching careers at 40 may involve starting at a lower level or adapting to a different work culture.
Cognitive challenges: Learning new technical concepts and languages may be more challenging with age.
Peer competition: You may find yourself competing with younger individuals who have more recent education or experience.
Frustration and setbacks: Programming can be frustrating at times, especially when facing difficult concepts or bugs.
Isolation: Learning programming independently can be isolating without a supportive network or mentorship.
Health considerations: Long hours in front of a computer screen may impact physical health, especially as you get older.